The OnBase Viewpoint Integration for AP is a core solution in the Requordit portfolio. This solution includes Ancora OCR, OnBase AP Coding and Approval Workflow, and OnBase Document Management. This property was developed by Requordit to create a best in class integration between OnBase and Viewpoint. This option contains professional services pricing for a base package with minimal customization.
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The OnBase Viewpoint Integration for AP is a core solution in the Requordit portfolio. This solution includes Ancora OCR, OnBase AP Coding and Approval Workflow, and OnBase Document Management. This property was developed by Requordit to create a best in class integration between OnBase and Viewpoint. This option contains professional services pricing for a base package with minimal customization.
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How does it work?
Invoices that enter the system start by being processed by Ancora OCR which automatically captures the meta data fields on invoices. Invoices with issues will be identified for users to correct. Invoices and the meta data will be passed to OnBase for processing.
Here is where OnBase comes in, once invoices are fully indexed, they will enter the OnBase AP workflow. A coding form will be created for both PO and Non-PO based invoices and will be pre-populated with data from the OCR and Viewpoint lookups. The invoices will be coded with an integration to Viewpoint and then send for approval. The approval process will be done in OnBase and invoices can be viewed and approved while in Outlook. Approved invoice data will be sent to Viewpoint for payment.
OnBase is a document management system at its core and Requordit has an integration with Viewpoint that allows Viewpoint users to retrieve documents from OnBase while in Viewpoint.
The Ancora OCR software is a stand-alone software that automatically identifies and extracts meta data from invoices and other documents and sends the data and invoice files downstream for processing. Ancora is a dynamic OCR software that learns over time. When Ancora learns where a meta data field is on an invoice, it automatically stores that information eliminating the need to set up document templates. Ancora also has a powerful classification engine that automatically identifies the document type and can separate invoices if received as a single multi invoice PDF.
How does the AP Coding & Approval Workflow work?
The Requordit OnBase AP Coding & Approval Workflow is designed to be fully integrated with Viewpoint. After invoices are passed through the Ancora OCR engine they will be sent to OnBase. Once fully indexed invoices enter the OnBase system, those invoices will enter the OnBase AP workflow.
The OnBase AP workflow automatically creates a coding form and populates the form with the OCR data and integrated look ups from Viewpoint. The coding form will handle both PO and Non-PO based invoices. PO based invoices will need the quantity received from the invoice entered. Non-PO invoices will be coded with GL codes from Viewpoint via integration. Once the invoices are coded, they will be routed for Approval.
The approval process is highly configurable and can be based different criteria from the invoice coding like Job Number, Vendor, Dollar Amount, Location, Company, etc. Each invoice will be routed automatically or can have a manual override to send to a specific user or group. The approval route can be set on a per job basis and changed easily if needed. Approvers can access and approve invoices while in the Outlook interface and not have to leave.
After the invoice is coded and approved it will be sent to Viewpoint. There will be no data entry needed in Viewpoint since the coding form is mapped to the upload templates in Viewpoint. The payment process will continue as normal in Viewpoint.
How does OnBase Document Management with Integration to Viewpoint function?
The Requordit OnBase Document Management integration with Viewpoint provides Viewpoint users the ability to retrieve documents in OnBase from Viewpoint. All documents will be stored in OnBase and then viewed by selecting the paperclip in Viewpoint. The OnBase web browser will pop up on the screen providing users access to document queries in OnBase. To the general Viewpoint user, there will be no change other than a more robust document search and retrieval interface while in Viewpoint.
OnBase is a powerful Document Management system that is a platform for all your document needs including AP Workflow. It can be used for many other use cases like Human Resources, Contract and Vendor Management and replacing legacy applications. OnBase has an easy to configure electronic form builder that can replace any paper process in use today. It has powerful reporting capabilities that can show graphs and charts of anything in the OnBase system. OnBase has a variety of integrations with business software including Outlook, allowing access to OnBase without leaving your native interfaces.
OnBase is at its core is a document management system. The benefit of storing all documents in OnBase is that they are automatically grouped together by common keywords to make finding related documents simple. OnBase provides document queries that show users groups of documents and lets them filter the results by multiple fields. After a user finds the document they are looking for, cross referencing shows all related documents to the document they are looking at.
Security is a core part of OnBase. Access to OnBase as well as corresponding documents is based on user rights and permissions. This means user groups can be configured to have access to specific document types. This can also be used in the workflow, where companies only see their specific invoices. This security can be based on a hierarchy, so users with administrative access such as IT Staff and Executives can have visibility across the entire system, while other users may only have access to specific document types that are relevant to their job.
All these functionalities can integrate with your current Viewpoint solution, they can also expand to other departments without the need of adding any licensing.