Integration with OnBase
REQUORDIT’s OnBase to JDE integration involves real-time validations to the JDE database via queries or web services. REQUORDIT's JDE integration allows you to store and retrieve documents and provide easy access to critical information like purchase orders, invoices, packing slips, and more.
The OnBase integration for the Oracle JD Edwards Suite allows organizations to connect transactional data with supporting documents in OnBase without leaving their familiar application. Users easily access documents via JDE or OnBase directly.
This provides a consistent set of security, functionality, and compliance regardless on how the document is accessed. Much like JDE being the one source of the truth, OnBase is the single source of the truth for documents. This also means that all documents from all other systems that you have would appear in JDE as well.
No more searching through many applications – everything is there at your fingertips. With the JD Edwards integration, email, scanned images, electronic documents, and electronic forms can easily be archived and made available.

Our integration involves real-time queries to the JDE database providing a seamless integration that allows validations to include job information, vendor look ups, PO and cost account information, PO and non-PO based invoice processing.
Capturing content and validating it so that it can be properly loaded into JDE when it is complete is time-consuming and necessary, as JDE requires the data to be correct when entering it. OnBase and REQUORDIT’s solution provides a way to manage the capture and validation of thousands of records with automated validation to ensure that transactions that are going to be placed into the ERP and be a part of your organizational reporting are timely and accurate.
We provide mobile capabilities such as invoice approvals, check approval, equipment inspections, quality control process, and more. OnBase is a true compliment to JD Edwards.
• BRINGING CLARITY TO UNSTRUCTURED CONTENT OnBase archives organizes data and documents before it enters your system of record.
No more hunting down stakeholders for missing invoice fields. Our JD Edwards integration automatically alerts individuals they have tasks to do and makes sure that they get routed to them automatically whenever possible.
Whether it is in the field on a smart phone or in a meeting on a tablet, project managers can review invoices, see plans, complete inspections, send requisition forms in just a few clicks.
If your team spends a lot of time manually storing and processing documents and forms, paper invoices, request forms, and documents can be easily captured and stored through automation and significantly reduce the time spent. This allows your staff to focus on higher-level tasks.
Documents that enter OnBase are associated to processes such as forms capture, OCR, and workflows automatically. Defined processes allow for indexes and additional values to be captured and index to remove this burden from your staff so they can perform higher level tasks.
By eliminating the inefficiencies associated with paper invoice processes, approval time was significantly reduced. With workflows, OnBase electronically sends documents to the relevant departments or people for coding and approval which will instantly cut invoice approval time.
• EASY TO USE No need to worry about complicated software and training, our OnBase solution integrates seamlessly with JD Edwards. Making it easy for your team to work on their usual interface.
1. Documents are scanned or brought in via an email import and automatically stored in OnBase.
2. Invoices can be sent to CloudOCR or an on-premise OCR system to have the header data extracted and validated which would include the invoice date, invoice number, total amount, tax, freight, vendor name and vendor ID. More fields can be added if needed.
3. A coding from will be created to travel through a workflow to validate information such as PO number, duplicate invoice, valid vendor ID, and more. Once the infomration is declared to be valid, it will be routed for someone to code the invoice. The coding form will have live look ups to JDE and provide a much easier experience for the user to code the invoice.
4. The Workflow will automate the distribution of the coding forms and the approval process. Workflow Approval Management will support a complex approval hierarchy and make it easy to reroute and change the approval process.
5. Validated and fully coded information is now ready to be loaded into JDE to create a voucher and be available for cash management in JDE.
6. This solution will include a coding and approval workflow, reporting dashboards, electronic unity forms, and a fully integrated document management system.
OnBase is a powerful Document Management system that is a platform for all your document needs including AP Workflow. It can be used for many other use cases like Human Resources, Contract and Vendor Management and replacing legacy applications.
OnBase has an easy to configure electronic form builder that can replace any paper process in use today. It has powerful reporting capabilities that can show graphs and charts of anything in the OnBase system. OnBase has a variety of integrations with business software including Outlook, allowing access to OnBase without leaving your native interfaces.
Security is a core part of OnBase. Access to OnBase as well as corresponding documents is based on user rights and permissions. This means user groups can be configured to have access to specific document types. This can also be used in the workflow, where companies only see their specific invoices. This security can be based on a hierarchy, so users with administrative access such as IT Staff and Executives can have visibility across the entire system, while other users may only have access to specific document types that are relevant to their job. More about OnBase>
Discover more!
automates your processes, manages business content in one secure location and works with your other applications to deliver information when you need it.
is a software that was created with the purpose of helping organizations automate manual data capture and validation through an easy and fast online OCR solution
JD Edwards Procure to Pay
Learn how to enhance, streamline, and automate your JD Edwards AP process using REQUORDIT’s portfolio. Find below some of the topics that we will discuss during our webinar.
ECM Basics: Getting to know OnBase
Discover everything you need to know to start digitizing your workplace through OnBase.
Integration with OnBase
REQUORDIT’s OnBase to JDE integration involves real-time validations to the JDE database via queries or web services. REQUORDIT’s JDE integration allows you to store and retrieve documents and provide easy access to critical information like purchase orders, invoices, packing slips, and more.
Our integration involves real-time queries to the JDE database providing a seamless integration that allows validations to include job information, vendor look ups, PO and cost account information, PO and non-PO based invoice processing.
Capturing content and validating it so that it can be properly loaded into JDE when it is complete is time-consuming and necessary, as JDE requires the data to be correct when entering it. OnBase and REQUORDIT’s solution provides a way to manage the capture and validation of thousands of records with automated validation to ensure that transactions that are going to be placed into the ERP and be a part of your organizational reporting are timely and accurate.
We provide mobile capabilities such as invoice approvals, check approval, equipment inspections, quality control process, and more. OnBase is a true compliment to JD Edwards.
• BRINGING CLARITY TO UNSTRUCTURED CONTENT OnBase archives organizes data and documents before it enters your system of record.
No more hunting down stakeholders for missing invoice fields. Our JD Edwards integration automatically alerts individuals they have tasks to do and makes sure that they get routed to them automatically whenever possible.
Whether it is in the field on a smart phone or in a meeting on a tablet, project managers can review invoices, see plans, complete inspections, send requisition forms in just a few clicks.
If your team spends a lot of time manually storing and processing documents and forms, paper invoices, request forms, and documents can be easily captured and stored through automation and significantly reduce the time spent. This allows your staff to focus on higher-level tasks.
Documents that enter OnBase are associated to processes such as forms capture, OCR, and workflows automatically. Defined processes allow for indexes and additional values to be captured and index to remove this burden from your staff so they can perform higher level tasks.
By eliminating the inefficiencies associated with paper invoice processes, approval time was significantly reduced. With workflows, OnBase electronically sends documents to the relevant departments or people for coding and approval which will instantly cut invoice approval time.
• EASY TO USE No need to worry about complicated software and training, our OnBase solution integrates seamlessly with JD Edwards. Making it easy for your team to work on their usual interface.
1. Documents are scanned or brought in via an email import and automatically stored in OnBase.
2. Invoices can be sent to CloudOCR or an on-premise OCR system to have the header data extracted and validated which would include the invoice date, invoice number, total amount, tax, freight, vendor name and vendor ID. More fields can be added if needed.
3. A coding from will be created to travel through a workflow to validate information such as PO number, duplicate invoice, valid vendor ID, and more. Once the infomration is declared to be valid, it will be routed for someone to code the invoice. The coding form will have live look ups to JDE and provide a much easier experience for the user to code the invoice.
4. The Workflow will automate the distribution of the coding forms and the approval process. Workflow Approval Management will support a complex approval hierarchy and make it easy to reroute and change the approval process.
5. Validated and fully coded information is now ready to be loaded into JDE to create a voucher and be available for cash management in JDE.
6. This solution will include a coding and approval workflow, reporting dashboards, electronic unity forms, and a fully integrated document management system.
OnBase is a powerful Document Management system that is a platform for all your document needs including AP Workflow. It can be used for many other use cases like Human Resources, Contract and Vendor Management and replacing legacy applications.
OnBase has an easy to configure electronic form builder that can replace any paper process in use today. It has powerful reporting capabilities that can show graphs and charts of anything in the OnBase system. OnBase has a variety of integrations with business software including Outlook, allowing access to OnBase without leaving your native interfaces.
Security is a core part of OnBase. Access to OnBase as well as corresponding documents is based on user rights and permissions. This means user groups can be configured to have access to specific document types. This can also be used in the workflow, where companies only see their specific invoices. This security can be based on a hierarchy, so users with administrative access such as IT Staff and Executives can have visibility across the entire system, while other users may only have access to specific document types that are relevant to their job. More about OnBase>
Discover More !
automates your processes, manages business content in one secure location and works with your other applications to deliver information when you need it.
is a software that was created with the purpose of helping organizations automate manual data capture and validation through an easy and fast online OCR solution
JD Edwards Procure to Pay
Learn how to enhance, streamline, and automate your JD Edwards AP process using REQUORDIT’s portfolio. Find below some of the topics that we will discuss during our webinar.
ECM Basics: Getting to know OnBase
Discover everything you need to know to start digitizing your workplace through OnBase.