Is the leading global provider of integrated software solution for the construction industry. We have been partnering with Viewpoint for 10+ years with our clients expanding their initially deployed solution with additional application benefits.
is the leading global provider of integrated software solution for the construction industry. We have been partnering with Viewpoint for 10+ years with our clients expanding their initially deployed solution with additional application benefits.
REQUORDIT has many solutions that support the Viewpoint community. CloudOCR, REQUORDIT Insight for Viewpoint Vista, and the REQUORDIT Connector for Vista provide a complete set of solutions for capture, document management and AP automation that includes OCR. These solutions were developed by REQUORDIT to create a best in class integration between OnBase and Viewpoint.
- Integrated Document Management
- Accounts Payable Workflow
- Automated OCR
- Cloud Ready Solutions
REQUORDIT has many solutions that support the Viewpoint community. CloudOCR, REQUORDIT Insight for Viewpoint Vista, and the REQUORDIT Connector for Vista provide a complete set of solutions for capture, document management and AP automation that includes OCR. These solutions was developed by REQUORDIT to create a best in class integration between OnBase and Viewpoint.
- Integrated Document Management
- Accounts Payable Workflow
- Automated OCR
- Cloud Ready Solutions

REQUORDIT has developed the only bi-directional integration to Viewpoint. Meaning that documents that are stored in the traditional manner in Vista through the attachment function will be archived into OnBase via the REQUORDIT Connector.
However, REQUORDIT has developed a method to use the automation and advanced capture tools in OnBase to gather documents in a modern way and automatically attach the documents to the correct screen within Vista.
This provides advanced searching on all metadata across all documents through the system rather than having to search in each company’s documents. The best example is by being able to pull in a single search all invoices for a giving date range for all suppliers on a specific job and being able to simply export his all to a secure folder.
Cloud OCR and ancora Docs provide two options for Vista users.
• CloudOCR with REQUORDIT Insight is the solution of choice for Viewpoint. Invoices are simplysent to CloudOCR.
• ancora OCR software is a stand-alone software that automatically identifies and extracts metadata from invoices and other documents and sends the data and invoice files downstream for processing.
The REQUORDIT OnBase AP Coding & Approval Workflow is designed to be fully integrated with Viewpoint.
• After invoices are passed through the Ancora OCR engine they will be sent to OnBase. Once fully indexed, invoices enter the OnBase system, those invoices will enter the OnBase AP workflow.
• The OnBase AP workflow automatically creates a coding form and populates the form with the OCR data and integrated look ups from Viewpoint.
• The coding form will handle both PO and Non-PO based invoices. PO based invoices will need the quantity received from the invoice entered. Non-PO invoices will be coded with GL codes from Viewpoint via integration. Once the invoices are coded, they will be routed for Approval.
• The approval process is highly configurable and can be based different criteria from the invoice coding like Job Number, Vendor, Dollar Amount, Location, Company, etc.
• Each invoice will be routed automatically or can have a manual override to send to a specific user or group. The approval route can be set on a per job basis and changed easily if needed.
• Approvers can access and approve invoices while in the Outlook interface and not have to leave.
• After the invoice is coded and approved it will be sent to Viewpoint. There will be no data entry needed in Viewpoint since the coding form is mapped to the upload templates in Viewpoint. The payment process will continue as normal in Viewpoint.
REQUORDIT’s solutions are cloud ready and certified as an application that can run in your companies private cloud or Viewpoint’s cloud.
We have developed leading web services that integrate with your solution regardless of deployment so that you can take advantage of OCR and workflow technology immediately and when you move to the cloud.
REQUORDIT has developed the only bi-directional integration to Viewpoint. Meaning that documents that are stored in the traditional manner in Vista through the attachment function will be archived into OnBase via the REQUORDIT Connector.
However, REQUORDIT has developed a method to use the automation and advanced capture tools in OnBase together documents in a modern way and automatically attach the documents to the correct screen within Vista.
This provides advanced searching on all metadata across all documents through the system rather than having to search in each company’s documents. The best example is by being able to pull in a single search all invoices for a giving date range for all suppliers on a specific job and being able to simply export his all to a secure folder.
Cloud OCR and ancora Docs provide two options for Vista users.
• CloudOCR with REQUORDIT Insight is the solution of choice for Viewpoint. Invoices are simplysent to CloudOCR.
• ancora OCR software is a stand-alone software that automatically identifies and extracts metadata from invoices and other documents and sends the data and invoice files downstream for processing.
The REQUORDIT OnBase AP Coding & Approval Workflow is designed to be fully integrated with Viewpoint.
• After invoices are passed through the Ancora OCR engine they will be sent to OnBase. Once fully indexed, invoices enter the OnBase system, those invoices will enter the OnBase AP workflow.
• The OnBase AP workflow automatically creates a coding form and populates the form with the OCR data and integrated look ups from Viewpoint.
• The coding form will handle both PO and Non-PO based invoices. PO based invoices will need the quantity received from the invoice entered. Non-PO invoices will be coded with GL codes from Viewpoint via integration. Once the invoices are coded, they will be routed for Approval.
• The approval process is highly configurable and can be based different criteria from the invoice coding like Job Number, Vendor, Dollar Amount, Location, Company, etc.
• Each invoice will be routed automatically or can have a manual override to send to a specific user or group. The approval route can be set on a per job basis and changed easily if needed.
• Approvers can access and approve invoices while in the Outlook interface and not have to leave.
• After the invoice is coded and approved it will be sent to Viewpoint. There will be no data entry needed in Viewpoint since the coding form is mapped to the upload templates in Viewpoint. The payment process will continue as normal in Viewpoint.
REQUORDIT’s solutions are cloud ready and certified as an application that can run in your companies private cloud or Viewpoint’s cloud.
We have developed leading web services that integrate with your solution regardless of deployment so that you can take advantage of OCR and workflow technology immediately and when you move to the cloud.
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automates your processes, manages business content in one secure location and works with your other applications to deliver information when you need it.
REQUORDIT Insight for Vista is a cloud-based workflow for validation and exception handling. It will allow the data extracted from Cloud OCR to be validated by integrating it with the Insight Web Service that is connected to your Cloud or On-Premise Vista by Viewpoint Solution.
is a software that was created with the purpose of helping organizations automate manual data capture and validation through an easy and fast online OCR solution.
is a stand-alone software that automatically identifies and extracts meta data from invoices and other documents and sends the data and invoice files downstream for processing.
AP Workflow and Document Management for Viewpoint Vista
Optimize document processing, get the most out of your Viewpoint solution with OnBase.