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Six tools to Optimize Interoperability with OnBase’s Web Server

By Jack Shales


OnBase’s Web Server interoperability adds to its powerful platform, offering user-friendly tools for document creation, storage, and retrieval. However, achieving enterprise-wide user adoption remains a challenge, particularly when users already utilize another primary working interface.

Consider users immersed in Outlook, Salesforce, or a home-grown website throughout their day. Imagine empowering them to access and interact with OnBase documents without requiring multiple logins. The following six tools precisely offer this capability!

1. DocPop

Integrated with the OnBase Web Server, DocPop serves as a document retrieval tool that empowers internal or external websites to integrate custom web pages with the querying and document viewing capabilities of the Web Server. OnBase system administrators hold the ability to customize web pages for particular users or groups.

For instance, administrators can restrict a Web user to viewing documents of certain types, containing specific keywords, or within certain date ranges using DocPop. When a web page incorporates DocPop, it showcases a customized link or embedded frame connecting to the set of DocPop pages on the OnBase Web Server. User interaction triggers a query via query string or form post, resulting in the display of a hit list of documents. When a document is selected, it is presented in the document viewer.

2. FolderPop

Included with the OnBase Web Server, FolderPop operates as a folder retrieval tool, empowering internal or external websites to merge custom web pages with the Web Server’s querying and folder viewing functionalities. OnBase system administrators have the capability to configure personalized web pages for specific users or groups.

For example, an administrator can use FolderPop to ensure Web users can see only folders of a certain type, containing certain keywords, or from between certain dates. When a web site integrates with FolderPop, a custom link is placed on the Web page that links to the set of FolderPop pages on the OnBase Web Server. 

When the user clicks the link to FolderPop.aspx, the query contained in the query string or form post is processed, returning a specific folder or collection of folders to the user. Once a document is selected from the folder, the document is displayed in the Document Viewer. 

3. FormPop

FormPop empowers users to utilize a simplified Web Client viewer interface for viewing and editing E-Forms and Unity Forms. This functionality excludes additional OnBase features. Users external to OnBase can access and edit forms through web links. However, creating new forms via a FormPop link is not possible.

4. LoginFormProc

LoginFormProc provides users with a tailored HTML form for submission as an E-Form in OnBase. When configured correctly, this tool enables form submission across browsers such as Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox. However, unlike DocPop, LoginFormProc does not facilitate document retrieval from OnBase. Furthermore, it doesn’t support updating existing E-Forms or Unity Forms. For such updates, users should utilize FormPop.

5. PDFPop

PDFPop, an inclusive document retrieval tool within OnBase Web Server, allows internal or external users to access OnBase documents similarly to DocPop. Unlike DocPop, PDFPop maintains broader compatibility across devices and browsers. This tool avoids granting additional OnBase functionality to end-users. 

The extensive support for the PDF file format enables PDFPop’s compatibility across diverse platforms. When a user accesses a PDFPop link, the query string initiates a process, generating a hit list of documents. The chosen document is then converted into a read-only PDF format for viewing. In instances of a single document query result, the document is directly presented in a read-only PDF format.

6. StatusView

As an administrator or user, you can configure a screen using StatusView to regularly display vital OnBase information. This efficient tool drastically reduces the time spent accessing OnBase features and retrieving documents throughout the workday. The flexibility of StatusView enables you to design unique views for various job functions, either individually or by department. This functionality extends to administrators and users alike, who can create tailored web interfaces for viewing OnBase content. Furthermore, the efficiency of StatusView eliminates the need for manual searches in the standard interface; instead, results are automatically presented upon login.

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